Athlete of the Month - Septemebr 2018

Jonah D.

Athlete of The Month – Jonah D.

What was the hardest part about coming back from your injury?

Getting back into shape and working through minor pains.

What was the best part about going through this?

Learning to not take anything for granted.

Who is your role model?

My dad, he pushes me, motivates me and understands what it’s like to play sports with injuries. He always supports me and is always driving me in a positive direction.

Athlete of The Month – Jonah D.

Any advice you would give to other people trying to rehab from their injuries?

To do everything that is asked and that there is a process that takes time and to not get impatient.

How was your experience at TMI Sports Medicine?

Great, very knowledgeable about my injury and Dr. Even knows what he is doing for sure!

What are your future goals?

My future goal is to play college baseball somewhere and go into business.